It was 145.8 this morning.
So as many people will tell you...the best diet is either going broke or knocking on death's door :P
Monday I didn't even show up to school I was so out of it. A scratchy throat on Saturday escalated into a fullblown mouthful of sandpaper.
A slight pressure in my head led to...well, let's just say I was 98% sure my head would explode if I were to step out of bed :P
I felt better Monday night, and Mom drove to the corner store for a bit of Theraflu (had some Amoxicillin at home). Asked me if I wanted anything.
"Nah thanks."
She brought back the latest issue of Glamour and a bar of chocolate. Aw :)
But...okay. If it had been a little bar of dark Hershey's, I could've saved myself a little bar for later on, when I felt I deserved it.
But she purchased a King-Sized bar of milk it's just lying there. Unwrapped. Evil dirty thing.
I don't know...I'm tired. I was freaked out about an essay I totally forgot to prepare for today, but I think I did sufficiently...and that's about it for now.
I guess.
Sigh...well, how about a little Florence thinspo before I'm to leave?


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