Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Goodies

some random asian-ana's thighs-she weighs in at around 80 pounds now...then again, she's like 8 inches shorter :\

I just know mommy made me a basket :) :P

I think. She got me something, which hasn't happened since I was about 9.

It might be "Oracular Spectacular"-MGMT and a chocolate bunny. If I'm lucky.

I made her this random tiny little card, decorated and everything, with one of my snarky sentiments inside and everything...:P

But just when I thought we were making headway, with the whole "let's not try to kill each other for just a few days" thing, she was in a crazy bad mood today, and after a few beers in the morning, was positively vicious, talking about how much she hated me, what a mistake I was, how much she wanted me out of the house, blahblahyapyapshit.

Not eating breakfast, or lunch, and feeling down, whereas I would normally scream back, I just ate a handful of jellybeans. I should have retreated into my room, but I had to do chores.'s to surviving my family's foodfest tomorrow :P

oh Flo I luv your mean-yeah.

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